We are committed to helping New York State’s agriculture industry grow and thrive. With extensive research showing people would buy more (74%), pay more (49%) and favor food bearing the New York State Grown & Certified seal (96%), participating in this program is a winning proposition. By offering New York State Grown & Certified labeled products, you can assure your customers that you are committed to providing them with the high-quality food they desire.
New York State’s agriculture industry is one of its greatest assets. New York State Grown & Certified is the first statewide, multi-faceted food certification program designed to:
Build awareness and confidence in New York State branded agricultural products. Provide meaningful food product labeling in the marketplace.
Enable New York producers to take advantage of the growing market demand for foods locally grown and produced to a higher standard.
Fulfill the state’s economic development mission to advance the growth of our agricultural sector and secure markets for its products.
By becoming a participating retailer in New York State Grown & Certified, your shoppers will know that you care enough to offer produce and dairy that is safer, fresher, and produced in ways that protect the environment. Market research shows consumers are willing to pay more for high-quality produce and dairy.
If you are interested in using the seal to promote the New York Grown & Certified products in your store or restaurant, contact us to obtain a licensing agreement at:
Phone: 518-457-7076, Option #3
Email: [email protected]
Statewide campaign aimed at driving consumers to your stores.
Use of the New York State Grown & Certified seal in your marketing.
Presence on the New York State Grown & Certified website as a participating retailer.