Strawberries with Certified Seal on them

Get Certified

Learn how to join the NYS Grown & Certified program
Join the New York State Grown and Certified Program

Show New Yorkers that your products meet farm safe protocols and environmentally responsible practices by joining the New York State Grown and Certified program.

Certification Criteria for Producers

Products are grown and produced in New York State.

Farms participate in a third-party food safety verification program, if applicable.

Producers participate in an environmental management program.

Supporting Documentation

Agricultural Environmental Management
Participation in New York State Grown & Certified requires completion of Tier 2 or higher in the Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) program. AEM is a voluntary, confidential, incentive-based program that helps farmers protect important natural resources. Learn more at the link below. If you would like to schedule a free, confidential AEM Risk Assessment for your farm, contact your County Soil and Water Conservation District.